We exist to bring people together; to share our talents with others.

What we do

Volunteer-led Workshops

Our volunteers organize and facilitate volunteer-led workshops for members of the community. These workshops focus on a range of topics, such as cooking, gardening, coding, or writing, and provide an opportunity for volunteers to share their skills and knowledge with others.

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Community Service Projects

We work with local charities and community organizations to identify service projects that will benefit the community. These projects include activities such as park cleanups, food drives, or home repairs for those in need.

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Social Events

We have monthly social events that bring members of the community together for fun and friendship. These events include activities such as game nights, potlucks, or movie screenings, and provide an opportunity for volunteers and community members to build connections and relationships.

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Our story

Together was founded in 2014 with a simple yet powerful mission: to bring people together by sharing talents through volunteering.

We firmly believe that everyone has something unique to offer, and our organization exists to create opportunities for individuals to share their talents and make a positive impact in their communities. Whether it's teaching a skill, helping those in need, or simply lending a listening ear, our volunteers have made a significant difference in the lives of countless individuals.

Since our founding, we have grown into a thriving community of volunteers who are passionate about giving back. We work with a wide range of partners, including local charities, schools, and community organizations, to identify needs and create volunteer opportunities that align with our mission.

The Team


Tyler Patel

Tyler Patel is a co-founder of Together, driven by his passion for community building and social change. Growing up in a close-knit family, Tyler learned early on the importance of giving back and building strong relationships. After completing his undergraduate degree in business, Tyler co-founded Together with Emma Carter to create a platform for people to share their talents and make a positive impact. As a co-founder, Tyler is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the organization and ensuring that it remains true to its mission.

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Emma Carter

Emma Carter is a co-founder of Together and has always been passionate about creating opportunities for people to come together and make a difference. Emma's background in community organizing and event planning inspired her to co-found Together with Tyler Patel. As a co-founder, Emma is responsible for developing the organization's strategic vision and overseeing its growth and development. Her creativity and strategic thinking have been instrumental in driving the success of Together.

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Outreach Director

Olivia Williams

Olivia Williams is the Outreach Director at Together and is responsible for building relationships with community partners, promoting the organization's mission, and identifying new opportunities for growth. Olivia's background in marketing and communications and her passion for social change led her to join Together shortly after its founding. She has since become a key member of the team, using her skills to raise awareness about the organization and build strong partnerships with local organizations and charities.

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Volunteer Director

Ryan Singh

Ryan Singh is the Volunteer Director at Together and is responsible for managing the organization's volunteer program, identifying new volunteer opportunities, and ensuring that volunteers have a positive and fulfilling experience. Ryan's background in social work and community development inspired him to join Together and put his skills to use in creating meaningful change. He is passionate about connecting people with opportunities to make a difference and has been instrumental in building a strong and dedicated team of volunteers at Together.

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Our Mission

Together was founded in 2014 with a simple yet powerful mission: to bring people together by sharing talents through volunteering. We firmly believe that everyone has something unique to offer, and our organization exists to create opportunities for individuals to share their talents and make a positive impact in their communities.

© 2023 Together. All Rights Reserved.

Together is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

EIN: 89-7651234

© 2023 Together. All Rights Reserved.

Together is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

EIN: 89-7651234

© 2023 Together. All Rights Reserved.

Together is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

EIN: 89-7651234

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